I've also been able to create some more intuitive plots from the larger batched of data we've gotten. Emily told me to experiment with the chi2 fit value as a criterion for the detection algorithm. I've generated the following plots thanks to Dustin:
These first two plots in between are the controls. I made sure the seed worked and that I got the exact same results for the same sets of data points.
The next plot to the left is with the chi2 value upped from the original 1.5 to 1.8. It is a very small difference, but the largest values jumped from 97.6 to 98.2 in the number of recovered sources versus input line flux, a total of 50 more recovered sources out of the 32000. This is an increase in 0.15% (virtually nothing).
These last two plots are with the chi2 value at 2.0 and 100,000 respectively. They are identical. However, note the difference between the 1.8 value and 2.0 value. There were only 10 more recovered sources from the previous chart. Overall, the chi2 value is not the issue with the missing sources in the plots. We are aiming for 99% accuracy in picking up sources around the middle of the bar plot on the left and the chi2 value isn't the limiting factor.
Further analysis will be made to find out what is happening to our missing sources.
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